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Working From Home is a Privilege

Updated: Jul 24, 2020

COVID-19 has been world changing. It has forced many to change their working environment by working from home. Although many have the privilege to work from home during this Pandemic, many workers don’t have the same privilege.

I just began working for NHCC on June 10th, and prior to working for NHCC I worked for a popular grocery store. Because we sold food and other essential items, we didn’t close and employees were required to come to the physical location to get paid. There was no work-from-home option. As I saw so many of my friends and family members get the option to work from home, it brought up some feelings of envy. It felt unfair that I had to constantly expose myself to the virus, while everyone else seemed to receive so much protection. Not only did I become envious, I became angry. The members treated us poorly. They were unappreciative of the work we were doing. They complained constantly about us not having toilet paper. Many of them even cancelled their memberships because of our enforced mask policy. They were more concerned with their personal freedom being limited for an hour out of their week, than protecting the lives of the most vulnerable. Every member who had a complaint or a cancellation was white, not most, it was literally every single one. It seemed as if there was a correlation between the experience of privilege and the notion that wearing a mask was a limit to that privilege.

This virus has brought on hardship for many. Although I viewed my job as such a negative thing and I was constantly complaining about it, many people in this country would have viewed my job as a privilege. Yes, the reality that I’m working from home now is a privilege, but working is a privilege. And yes working is a privilege, but drawing a paycheck is a privilege. And yes drawing a paycheck is a privilege, but working a job while drawing a paycheck is a privilege. There are thousands of people forced to work in the United States without pay who would love to get a paycheck. The next time we complain about our jobs (if we have one), let’s reflect on the privilege we have. Let's rephrase the title of this post.

Work is a Privilege

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