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Does hunting preserve our wildlife?


Hello everyone, I would like to talk about the effects Hunting has on our wildlife populations. Responsible and safe Hunting is something that preserves the populations of wildlife on earth. As land continues to become developed on earth, animals are losing places to go. Luckily, there are public and privately owned land that people set aside for wildlife who can't live near developed land, such as bears, coyotes, bobcats, deer, etc. The DNR and other wildlife groups also provide funding, and so does the taxes a person pays for things like ammo, hunting licenses, and other hunting equipment to preserve this sacred practice. So does Hunting preserve our wildlife? Overpopulation balances itself out in the natural environment, and many animals die a year due to competition for food, getting hit by cars, disease, etc. Those listed causes are an example of animals that will pass on from natural or unnatural causes. When there is an excess of any population, that's when public and private land opens for Hunting. Wildlife agencies and other officials closely monitor populations of animals. The animals hunted are in a percentage who would naturally or unnaturally pass on due to an excess of animals. So now you can see how Hunting is a wildlife management practice!

Does hunting preserve our wildlife?

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